That they may be one

What if the church could model God’s standard for love and how we treat each other…?

A new relational building program for churches...
Coming soon (anticipated Q3, 2023)

‘That they may be one…’ is a program designed to help the church do relationships better as a testimony to the world, according to John 17:21-23.

This is a practical, scripture-based program of six short sessions, designed to be used in house groups or as part of a growth series.

In these sessions, we share the practical skills and habits that underpin the 1 Corinthians 13 model of LOVE and empower people to change behaviours from habits that damage relationships to habits that strengthen them.

For all relationships, at church, at home, at work and in all of life.

Four habits of all successful relationships

Over 25 years of working in this area we have identified that every successful relationship exhibits these four habits and every struggling relationship is missing at least one.

Habit #1


not critical

Habit #2


not crushing

Habit #1


don’t assume

Habit #4


before you correct

Jesus prayed: 'That they may be one... that the world may believe that you sent me'

If this strikes a cord and you would like to find out more about rolling out the program in your church, please let us know by filling in the form adjacent.

Meanwhile, if you would like to consider supporting our work while we build and deliver this program, please check out the options to Support Us
